For those interested in individual support, Victoria offers somatic movement education, using the works of Laban and Bartenieff, to help you to discover and deepen your practices of health, wellness and living life more fully!

Somatic movement education (SME)  is for those folks who want support living, moving and expressing themselves with more ease and less effort. Victoria uses the framework of Bartenieff Fundamentals to help you discover and deepen your awareness of your body moving.

Our body is with us every moment of every day. Have you ever considered these questions about your relationship with your body?

  • do you wish you could feel more confident in how and where and why you move through your day?

  • do you know what to move to accomplish your desired action with less effort?

  • are you aware of how you express yourself non-verbally as you move through your day?

  • do you wish you felt more comfortable as you inhabit the space you are in, alone or with others?

  • do you know how your movement affects the relationships you are creating each moment of each day, with yourSelf, with others and the world around you?

Because SME engages the whole spiritbodymind from a evidence-based developmental perspective, it can support increased movement fluency, aka embodiment, in those who move professionally as well as those who simply move in their activities of daily living. Whether you are simply putting the groceries away and moving onto the floor to be with the grandkids or spending your day dancing, acting, getting tension our of other’s bodies, and creating music, sound or art, you can benefit from learning and practicing the fundamentals of movement.

Cost: effective 9/1/23

Introductory Conversation - 30 Minutes - Complimentary

Individual session commitment - up to one hour in length - $90

Contact me for sliding scale or reduced fee options.

For more information, please contact me by text at 573-575-MOVE (6683).